Lyndon Hood - correspondent, Lower Hutt
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Magnamail envelope said I should contact them if it had been tamper with. Maybe I should do that, because I opened it, and it was full of shit.
Labels: intemperate outbursts, magnamail
Lyndon Hood - bloody sampley, Wellington
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Read carefully:
Note Simon Power's scare-quotes.
"Ah yes, Sir," says the policeman, "We 'intend to charge' you. Now roll your sleeve up."
A Bill to help Police solve more crime by expanding the collection and use of DNA samples passed its second reading in Parliament last night.
The Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Bill allows police to collect DNA from people they 'intend to charge', and to match it against samples from unsolved crimes.
Note Simon Power's scare-quotes.
"Ah yes, Sir," says the policeman, "We 'intend to charge' you. Now roll your sleeve up."
Labels: bodily samples, crime, dna, legislation, nz politics, police
Lyndon Hood - facial pic collector
Friday, October 09, 2009
Gerald Depardieu??

Plus: Helen Clark = Posh Spice. At least, that's the first female result...
Orange Election Man = Wil Ferrell, Valerie Perrine in nightdress, Superman. Interesingly, Perrine was in Superman II.
Me = bunch of random guys, Jay Leno.
Bother - turns out the links DO expire. Apologies. May try and sort something later...
If you still care, you can try saving then feeding Picollator the following:
Me - me_3_face.jpg = SUPERMAN!!! or possibly Lois
(more may follow once I find the pics I actually used)]

Plus: Helen Clark = Posh Spice. At least, that's the first female result...
Orange Election Man = Wil Ferrell, Valerie Perrine in nightdress, Superman. Interesingly, Perrine was in Superman II.
Me = bunch of random guys, Jay Leno.
Bother - turns out the links DO expire. Apologies. May try and sort something later...
If you still care, you can try saving then feeding Picollator the following:
Me - me_3_face.jpg = SUPERMAN!!! or possibly Lois
(more may follow once I find the pics I actually used)]
Labels: facial recognition, gerald depardieu, images, john key, nz politics
Lyndon Hood - insufficiently self-promoted
Friday, October 02, 2009
You should come to the New Zealand Improv Festival!
7-10 Oct at Bats! Showcasing improv from NZ, and Melbourne too!
Late night shows at Fringe Bar!
Workshops (including beginners's's!)!
7-10 Oct at Bats! Showcasing improv from NZ, and Melbourne too!
Late night shows at Fringe Bar!
Workshops (including beginners's's!)!
Labels: improv